Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Jesus Movement

Led by its Presiding Bishop,
The Episcopal Church has
embarked on an adventure
called, “The Jesus Movement.”

According to Wikipedia,
the title originated in the 60s
for a congress of hippies and
so-called “Jesus freaks.”

Ageing baby boomers will
remember the groups at their
colleges which were a mixture
of Pentecostals and Evangelicals.

That Jesus Movement and
its name vanished in the 70s
and the name has now been
appropriated by TEC.

The new Jesus Movement
seems to be aimed at
developing a spiritual
relationship with Jesus.

The video of Bishop Curry
walking down Fifth Avenue,
speaking to an invisible audience
does not offer clarity.

TEC has instituted a five point
series which is supposed to
teach us to become loving,
liberating, and life-giving.

One might observe that such
is already the principal task
of church, to educate and prepare
us to follow Jesus in our lives.
