Recently we attended an Episcopalian service, wherein the preacher
proclaimed that Dominic Crossan was her favorite historian. That
reminded us that Crossan and Marcus Borg were pillars of the
Jesus Seminar, which attempted to reach a consensus among
scholars on the truth of the happenings recorded in the Gospels.
The movement was discontinued in 2006 but lives on in the writings
of its principals.
proclaimed that Dominic Crossan was her favorite historian. That
reminded us that Crossan and Marcus Borg were pillars of the
Jesus Seminar, which attempted to reach a consensus among
scholars on the truth of the happenings recorded in the Gospels.
The movement was discontinued in 2006 but lives on in the writings
of its principals.
From Wikipedia:
"In 1998 the Jesus Seminar published The Acts of Jesus: The Search
for the Authentic Deeds of Jesus. To create the material for this book,
they voted on the individual acts of Jesus as recorded in the gospels,
much as they'd previously voted on the individual sayings attributed to him..
for the Authentic Deeds of Jesus. To create the material for this book,
they voted on the individual acts of Jesus as recorded in the gospels,
much as they'd previously voted on the individual sayings attributed to him..
According to the Jesus Seminar:
Jesus of Nazareth was born during the reign of Herod the Great.
His mother's name was Mary, and he had a human father whose
name may not have been Joseph.
name may not have been Joseph.
Jesus was born in Nazareth, not in Bethlehem.
Jesus was an itinerant sage who shared meals with social outcasts.
Jesus practiced faith healing without the use of ancient medicine or
magic, relieving afflictions we now consider psychosomatic.
magic, relieving afflictions we now consider psychosomatic.
He did not walk on water, feed the multitude with loaves and fishes,
change water into wine or raise Lazarus from the dead.
change water into wine or raise Lazarus from the dead.
Jesus was arrested in Jerusalem and crucified by the Romans.
He was executed as a public nuisance, not for claiming to be the Son of God.
The empty tomb is a fiction – Jesus was not raised bodily from the dead.
Belief in the resurrection is based on the visionary experiences of Paul,
Peter, and Mary Magdalene."
Belief in the resurrection is based on the visionary experiences of Paul,
Peter, and Mary Magdalene."
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