Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christian Apologetics

Christian Apologetics is a genre of publications which explain
and promote the religion of Jesus Christ.  There are so many
as to take up a large section of Christian book catalogs.  A
few have become best-sellers on secular book lists.  Others
have found fertile distribution over the years.

A popular subcategory starts from the premise of what
following God can do for you.  We prefer those which tell
you what you should do for God.  Reading any of the books
listed below will not make you better or happier.  They will
transform you into a servant of God.

Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
The famous reworking of Lewis's lectures over the BBC
during World War II.   There are hundreds of printings in
various formats and anthologies.  The only surviving tape
of one talk may be found and downloaded from You Tube.

Basic Christianity, John Stott
A primer by the famous Anglican Evangelical, originally
published in 1958, then revised by the author in 2008.
The cover contains a note that 25 million copies have been
sold over the years.

Questions of Life, Nicky Gumbel
A handy manual that reproduces the video sessions that
the author gave in the Alpha Course, which swept churches
in the U.S.

The Reason for God, Timothy Keller
A New York Times best-seller, based on his sermons and
teaching at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan.
Most suitable for young, educated inquirers, which were
his audience.

Simply Christian, N.T. Wright
This prolific English author's worthy successor to Mere
Christianity, subtitled "Why Christianity Makes Sense."

The Creed,  Luke Timothy Johnson
"What Christians Believe and Why it Matters" is an
approach to understanding the Christian faith by
expanding the Nicene Creed, which worshipers recite
every Sunday in church.

Doctrine, Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears
An evangelist and a theologian combine to provide the
more experienced Christian with a deeper understanding
of "What Christians Should Believe."

The Searchers, Joseph Loconte
A charming and poignant story of  those who are
looking for godly love in all the wrong places.
He advocates meeting them where they are and
leading them to see the light that Christ offers.

The Challenge of Jesus, N.T.Wright
Answers definitively who Jesus was and why He did
what He did. The quest for historical Jesus ends at
the Palestinian world of the first century.

Anglican Theology, Mark Chapman
A thorough history of the individuality and
inventiveness that created a workable theology
for Anglicans.

Theology Questions Everyone Asks
Answers by academics in plain terms to
questions about God and what matters most
in life.  When we ask those questions,
we are asking about theology

Becoming a Contagious Christian,
Bill Hybels and Mark Mittelberg believe that
effectively communicating our faith in Christ
should be the most natural thing in the world.
We just need encouragement and direction.

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